This Actor's God-Awful Attempts At A British Accent Will Make You Cringe

This Actor's God-Awful Attempts At A British Accent Will Make You Cringe

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who can pull off a British accent and those who can't. But that didn't seem to stop this guy from trying! Hey guy! Try to recognize when you can't do something and don't torture us with your God-awful attempts at British accents!

James 'Whitey' Bulger in ""Black Mass"

Seriously? Who is this guy? It doesn't even sound like he's trying to do it right! This sounds more like a guy from the colony of Massachusetts than it does a guy from Great Britain! Maybe take an acting lesson or two before stepping in front of the camera with your sad excuse for a British accent!

Willy Wonka in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"

Come on, Willy Wonka. This has got to be one of the fakest British accents I've ever heard in my life. We can tell that you're from America, so why even attempt to hide it? Hey casting! Try and see if your actors are capable of stretching past their limitations before paying them to "act" British.

Tonto in "The Lone Ranger"

Jerry Bruckheimer was so desperate to convince us that this guy could be British that he told this guy to be completely silent. Sorry, Jerry! This audience member could hear the non-British silence from a mile away! Sometimes the worst attempt at a British accent is to not attempt one at all.

Rango in "Rango"

Who is this guy and has he never heard a British accent in his life? Isn't that something they should ask during the audition process? Come on! Anyone can tell that this chameleon is absolutely NOT from Britain!

Some advice for this dude

I don't like to think that anyone is beyond the point of help, so what this guy needs to do is watch some of the great British accents of our time and try to work towards that. It won't happen overnight, but here is an actor whose work you can study to try and get better.

Now THAT's an actor who can pull off a British accent!

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