Solo - A Star Wars Story: My Chair Was Broken The Whole Time

Solo - A Star Wars Story: My Chair Was Broken The Whole Time

This weekend, I went to see Solo: A Star Wars Story, a look into the mysterious Han Solo's younger years. I was ready for a fun romp through space, but when I sat down, the seat folded all the way forward. "Oh no!" I thought to myself as the trailers began. I'd sat down in between some people so there was a gap seat on either side, but some guy came and took one of the gap seats and I was too self-conscious to move over. Luckily, I was sitting right behind the bar where you can put your feet up, so I at least managed to wedge myself in between the seat and the bar. 

The beginning was great. They were in space, there were characters, Alden whatever was doing a great job. Then we get to the part of the movie where my back started getting tired. So I had to shift around. I managed to find a new position where both of my shins were pressing against the bar and I had slid pretty far down the seat. I was worried that my shins would start to hurt from the pressure, but I knew that this was as good as it was going to get for now. 

I ended up shifting a few more times. Sometimes, my feet touched the ground, sometimes they didn't. I tried sitting normally, but it was just too much of a strain on my stomach. Eventually, I just gave up and decided to endure the shin pain. I finished the movie with my shins against the bars.

Overall, I really liked the movie, though if I were to watch it again, I'd probably sit in a different chair. 

Grade with broken chair: F
Grade with working chair: A

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