How I Ended Up Naming Pixar's Sequel To Inside Out

How I Ended Up Naming Pixar's Sequel To Inside Out

A little over a year ago, I was in a pretty bad place. I'd just lost my dream job working for the government and I was almost certain that I'd never recover from the loss. But then, out of nowhere, I was granted a second chance! The good people at Pixar saw my creative mind at work in the way that I titled sequels and scooped me right up! What began as a joke in the IncreDoubles became a full-blown career move for me. That's right! Just a few weeks ago was the anniversary of my getting hired at Pixar!

I've been getting a lot of congratulations on Pixar's latest film, "Inside Out," and while it's an incredibly touching and emotional story, I can't help but let people know that I just didn't have all that much involvement in our latest outing. Obviously, I feel a connection to the flick because of my association with the company, but my job titling the sequels just doesn't require me to dabble in the affairs of original films. That's why my name doesn't appear in the credits for this one.

The work at Pixar never really stops, though. What you've got to remember is that every time a Pixar movie gets released, 5 more movies are still in the works. That's why I was so proud of this film, despite not having even touched it. I knew that the impact of Inside Out would continue to ripple out and paint the way our next films would develop. But I also sensed that this was an absolute game-changer. More than a sequel to Finding Dory (Finding Threemo) or a followup to Toy Story 3 (Toy Foury). This was going to be even bigger than the highly anticipated RataTWOille. No, I needed to have a sequel title ready once this hit theaters.

A lot of people say that success comes from both preparation and good timing, but sometimes you've got to help that good timing along. In the weeks leading up to the release of Inside Out, I decided to watch Pete (Docter) a little more closely than I normally do. I observed his routines around the office so as to make sure that I could create a chance encounter with him. I'd share those details, but to protect his privacy, I'll refrain.

When the movie was finally released, I made sure that I was standing right next to Pete as I poured my morning bowl of Fruity Pebbles. I looked over at Pete and casually said, "You did an amazing job on Inside Out." "Thanks, Minhdzuy!" Pete replied. "Can't wait to hear what kooky title you have for the sequel!" I smiled slyly. "Oh, you mean you haven't started work on Twinside Out yet?"

There it was. The perfect sequel title for the perfect movie. Pete literally dropped his spoon and ran off to start work on Inside Out's follow up, in which Riley discovers her long-lost twin as well as the power to transmit emotions from one body to the other. That's right, folks. You're looking at the best thing to happen to Pixar since Toy Story and you'd better believe that this guy's finally made his mark on the future of the company! Inside Out made me feel all of the feelings, but Twinside Out is going to make me feel pride, no matter how it does. Because in my heart, I'll know that I was a major part of bringing it to the screen. I'll know that I was important. And at a big company like Pixar, it can get easy to get lost in the shuffle. But play your cards right, and you might be the mind behind the next Twinside Out. ;)

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