Someone Already Invented Snapcat. What Is My Purpose Anymore?

Someone Already Invented Snapcat. What Is My Purpose Anymore?

The other day, I was walking down the street, looking for a face-like object with which to swap my face, when I saw a stray cat darting into someone’s front yard. And just like that, the greatest idea I’d ever had in my entire life hit me like a ton of bricks. Snapcat. The perfect app. People love cats. People love Snapchat. “Chat” and “cat” rhyme! At last, it felt like my life had a true purpose. I was so excited that I even stopped thinking of new ways to face swap.

I went to my local park, sat down in the grass, and breathed in the fresh air, imagining how my life would change after becoming the CEO of my own massively successful startup. No more waking up at 7AM and staring at the ceiling for hours, terrified of what the rest of the day might have in store for me. No more plunking myself down in front of the computer and enduring hours of mindless busywork just to earn a little bit of money. With SnapCat, it would all happen for me.

Then, a terrifying idea hit me. I pulled out my phone and went to the App Store. I typed in “Snapcat.” And there it was. Staring me in the face. Junjie Liu had already invented SnapCat before me. A coldness washed through my body. Life had no meaning anymore. If my greatest idea ever was as common as rain in April, then did my existence even matter? If the genius of SnapCat can be claimed by anybody, then why even exist?

For a second, I considered developing my own version of SnapCat, as Junjie’s app didn’t even feature cats, but I did some more digging and things got even worse. Junjie wasn’t the only one. Cory Forsyth had also developed his own SnapCat app, complete with cats. I began to feel smaller and smaller. My biggest spark of inspiration had been extinguished not once, but twice.

Now, I’m just sitting in a corner of my home, hoping that I get a sign from someone that I have a purpose in this life. Even if I try to move forward with my new idea, SnapHat, I’m sure that another Junjie or Cory will come along and make something before I can. After all, with so many people in the world, some have to get cast aside, right?

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