How I Defied The Odds And Managed To Land A Job At Pixar

How I Defied The Odds And Managed To Land A Job At Pixar

If you've met me before, I know what you're probably thinking: "Minhdzuy works for Pixar? The same Pixar that made movies like Toy Story and Toy Story 2? But I saw Minhdzuy just last weekend eating an entire plate of IKEA meatballs by himself!" What you saw was a man coping with the loss of his stellar government job. That was a rough time, but after taking time to reflect, I can now truly appreciate how incredibly hard I worked to land the Pixar job. How did I manage to secure such a highly coveted job during such a stressful time? That's what I'm going to share with you today.

1. I Was Not Afraid To Be Creative

Creativity takes work, and sometimes it can be scary. In our desperation to protect our egos, we tell ourselves that ideas are wrong, that jokes are too dumb, that things will never work. We tell our creative selves, "No," and that won't take us anywhere. I landed my job at Pixar by being fearless and by willing to share my own self with everyone else. And you know what? Somebody noticed.

That's right. Tia Ayers, the greatest friend in the world, passed along my idea to her friend at Pixar! And all because I was willing to take a shot and share a little bit of "Me" with everyone. It pays to take a risk.

2. I Was Open To The Unlikely

Ha ha, you might say. Minhdzuy, your friend is just playing a joke on you. Tia's friend isn't really going to get you hired at Pixar! Maybe a few years ago, I would've agreed, but I've learned that anything is possible here in Hollyweird! Opportunity comes in many forms, and this was my big chance to really shine. I really believed that he would see my title pitch and take it straight to the top and guess what?

That was the first creative endeavor that I had ever sold and I sold it to Pixar! I was going nuts! Tia's friend had really come through for me! And Tia! Dear, sweet Tia! Bless her soul because she hadn't just been goofing around! Like me, she believed in the unlikely and made it happen! I did it. By being fearless and by being open, it had happened. I'd landed a job at Pixar.

3. I Remained GRATEFUL

No matter how awesome my title for the new Incredibles movie was, I knew that I could have never done any of it without Tia's real, actual help. She believed in me enough to take my idea to the top and now here I am, remotely working for Pixar from Los Angeles, California. And I hear the pay isn't too shabby either!

Shannon is my former boss and current big sister!

Shannon is my former boss and current big sister!

4. I Maintained My Ambition

Just because I have this new job security doesn't mean that I can rest on my laurels! Even though I work in LA, that doesn't mean that I can't bring about some changes all the way in Emeryville. After all, Pixar hasn't met its full potential until they start offering the Holiday Turkey sandwich in their cafeteria. Right Sulley?

So remember, no dream is too far away as long as you stay focused on what you can control, be unafraid, and have a little bit of faith in the world. Like me, you'll end up getting that sweet prize that you deserve! I hope that this has been helpful. I'm off to work combining the word "Cars" with the number 3.

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