These Babies TOTALLY FAILED At Buying Mother's Day Gifts!

These Babies TOTALLY FAILED At Buying Mother's Day Gifts!

Mother's Day is a time to cherish our mothers and show them how appreciative we are. Obviously, THESE DUMB BABIES didn't get the memo! Look at how hard they totally failed!

"I'm a baby."

"I'm a baby."

From the baby himself:

"Hi, everyone! I tried to go the the department store to buy mommy a nice dress, but I'm just a baby, so I spit up all over my little face instead! It's so sticky and yucky, but I don't care because I'm a baby. Mommy will probably wipe it all right up so I can just leave it until she sees. What was I doing again? I don't remember because I'm only a baby. Maybe I'll remember later, but probably not. Oops, time to poop."

Or what about this kid?!

"I'm a baby."

"I'm a baby."

"I was planning on going to the department store to buy my mommy a pretty dress, but when I got to the door, I couldn't open it! I'm a baby and the door's too high for me to know how to open. Also if I go outside, I'll forget what the inside is because I haven't developed object permanence yet. I'm a baby! I was so upset that I couldn't open the door that I spit up all over myself. It's okay. I'm a baby. Mommy will clean up all this spit. I don't see her, so she doesn't exist. Better poop!

Here's another epic baby fail:

"I'm a baby."

"I'm a baby."

"I was trying my very best to leave my house and go to the department store to get a shiny dress for mommy, but I got so tired from crawling that I fell asleep! I like sleeping because I'm a baby. Then, when I woke up, I started crying and mommy came over and got me to stop crying. Then, I spit up on myself and mommy cleaned it up. When mommy put me down, I went back to sleep in my little hat. Can't wait to wake up and poop!"

It doesn't end here though!

"I'm a baby."

"I'm a baby."

"I was crawling to the department store to get my mommy a whooshy dress and I made it past the first traffic light, when I saw a big building with food in it. I was pretty hungry, so I crawled on over. When I got in, a pretty stranger picked me up and put me in a tall chair. I didn't stop her because I'm a baby. I liked the food that she gave me so much that I started spitting it all up all over my little face. It's hard to feed me because I'm a baby. Anyway, I haven't seen my mommy ever since. Hold on, gotta poo!"

But wait, even more total baby fails!

"I'm a baby."

"I'm a baby."

"I was crawling out of my house and past that food-smelling building on my way to the department store to buy my mommy a swish-swosh dress and I found the perfect one! I knew she'd love wearing it whenever she'd bring me out on picnics! I made it all the way to the register and when the cashier asked me where my mommy was, I remembered that I had a binky in my mouth. I'm a baby, so that's where it normally is. I stared back at the cashier and sucked on my binky. I love my binky a lot. It really makes you think about how many distractions plague our world and how concentration on a simple pleasure can bring such a strong sense of calm over our minds. I'm a baby. The person ended up not selling me the dress and took me to security where I'm waiting for my mommy to come find me. I hope she gets here soon because I spit up all over myself. Oh! Time to make a poopy!"

And last, but not least fail-filled:

"I'm a baby."

"I'm a baby."

"I was crawling to the department store to buy a sensible dress for mommy and I was really nervous when I handed the cashier daddy's credit card. I knew daddy would understand, since I'm a baby and don't have any money! The cashier looked at me suspiciously, but then ran the card anyway. I was so happy, I knew mommy would love it! As I crawled out of the store, I tried my best not to drag my bag on the ground, but I didn't have much success since I'm a short little baby! As I crossed the street, I considered stopping by that big building with food in it, but knew that mommy would probably have food for me. I crawled back in my house, which was luckily open! See, I can't reach the door handle because I'm a baby and I don't know what "door" means yet. Mommy loved her new dress and put it on, but when she picked me up to thank me, I spit up all over her. She said that it was to be expected since I'm just a baby, but she seemed pretty bummed. I was sad that I let mommy down, so I let out a real big poop. But she didn't seem to mind, because she's my mommy and she loves me, and I love her!"

What a bunch of failures! 

Got some baby fails of your own? leave them in the comments below!

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